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Tilly Garcia


Whats up you guys! We are back with another interview. This week I have the pleasure of interviewing Photographer/Artist Tilly Garcia who will be telling us about her life story!

How are you!

Doing well! I’ve always done photography and art in since high school. I grew up in the east coast near the pine barrens, and I liked the darker side of things. A lot of my work reveals my spirituality and mythology.

Are you spiritual?

Yes, i’m spiritual with ambiguity.

Interesting, what’s your favorite part about photography?

I like editing, the magic really happens there!

Very true! When it comes to me and modeling, there’s nothing better than a dope edit on my pictures! How’s your relationship with you parents btw? You guys close?

Yes, my Dad is cuban and Mother is italian so we had freedom to choose a religion.

That’s cool, how do you feel it impacted you?

I was always into buddhism and christianity.

Wow I don’t think I’ve met anyone that’s into both Buddhism and Christianity. How do you connect the two together?

Those are just examples. Their all valid and all an expression. I consider myself clairvoyant and psychic.

Ooh so can you read minds?

No, but I can get messages in my dreams and I read tarot cards.

That’s dope, be careful with those things! Lol where do you currently, reside?

Pine barrens of nj

Did you go to school out here in Jersey?

I went to school around there and went to art school in Baltimore.

Oh, so what do you want people to get from your art and paintings?

My goal is to bring beauty to things that are overlooked.

How would you go about that and bringing beauty to the cemetery?

I do it in my photographs. The beauty of the family wanting to memorial on things that their love. I was at the cemetery this morning. I go there a lot. I feel I am more in touch with spirits. It feels timeless.

Now, when you convey this to people… do they perceive it as weird?

Yes, but I am ok with that. In my lighter work I’ve always felt that there is a darkness that comes through. I like it because life is the darkness and the light.

Where do you feel your style comes from?

A combination of dark or gothic things and religious, and more modern things. The state of the environment- but more nature.

Do you consider yourself a nature lover?

Yes, I go near a lot of parks. It’s beautiful, I think it should be appreciated.

What is your nationality by the way?

I’m Hispanic, my father is cuban, and my Mother is Mediterranean Italian.

That’s popping, do you think that Mediterranean sandwiches from Arby’s actually Mediterranean?

Lol, I’m not sure because I’m a vegan.

What made you become vegan?

I made that choice at a young age because of Buddhism. It’s been 15 years now.

Did it require you to become that way?

Not sure, but most Buddhists are that way.

Now quick question, what is your favorite color?


Would you consider yourself to be gothic or goth-like?


What’s your favorite music genre?

Gothic music, dark electronica, black metal.

Has anyone ever called you a devil worshipper?

Yes, people in social media have taken things out of context. I don’t identify with anything that involves that. Not that there’s anything wrong with satanism or witchcraft.

Does it get to you?

A couple of articles that I’ve been involved in where I would have comments towards me saying I need Jesus which is weird because I am very spiritual.

How do you deal with it?

I made a couple of posts trying to explain but I’m not sure.

Do you block people?

Only if it gets crazy.

Would you say you have your fair share of stalkers?

My aesthetic scares people and I’m ok with that.

Well, who’s your favorite artist?

I was obsessed with Frida Kahlo and Dali.

Do you have any favorite music artists?

Its such a hard question. Cocteau Twins. They make stereotypical music.

Who is someone that you looked up to?

I’m not sure, I don’t have an answer.

How do you feel about what’s going in the world?

I feel it’s a mess and people have lost touch with nature & spirituality. If people were more in touch in nature they wouldn’t be chopping down trees.

How do you feel about our president?

Its a disaster.

If you had the authority would you change the world or no?

Yes, I would like to see people planting trees insteading cutting rainforests.

Are you big on going green?

Yes, but I don’t think it’s enough.

Will we see you driving a Tesla anytime soon?

Hahaha if only, I drive a nissan altima but if it was my choice it would not be for profit. I feel the problem is corporate using the atmosphere for monetary gain and its stupid. A tree can make food for hundreds of years why cut it?

Where can we see more of you?

I was interviewed yesterday for RVN TV. It should be in my instagram and highlighted.

If you can have any superpower what would it be?

The ability to change people’s thoughts. Telekinesis or being invisible. Any superpower would be amazing.

What does Tilly Garcia look for in a mate?

Someone who is compassionate, spiritual, artistic.

Tell us a particular moment where you were awarded for photography and art?

I was chosen for NJ in Time’s Top 50 for Photography and I was mentioned for NJ.

What’s the best advice you ever received?

“All life is suffering.”

Flyleaf’s lead singer says there’s blessing in suffering, do you agree with that?


Can you take a second to tell us your life motto?

I always ask myself who do I live for, when I am picking an outfit or choosing a job opportunity. I always say myself. I have to be true to myself.

I agree. What would be a good theme song for your life?

Funeral party by the Cure. Its gothic and partyish. I’ll probably think of a different answer later on today. I wasn’t prepared for all of these good questions!

Do you have any bestfriends?

My sister and I are very close. I am fortunate to have other friends as well.

Did your style scare your Mom?

She hates it. She tried to steer me away from it but it didn’t work. My style still scares her.

Would you consider yourself to be the real life female Twilight?

Hell no!

You’re more of a fan of the classics like Dracula 2000?

Yes, and “Interview of the Vampire”. I saw a movie called “Dark Song” and it would be great if you love horror movies.

Are you huge movie goer?

In the past no, but I’ve been obsessed with horror movies. I did a post asking for suggestions and people gave me a lot.

Have you been able to live off your career?

For the past two years, I’ve been a freelancer. I’ve been doing fine arts and commercial for extra money.

Wow, how does that make you feel?

I prefer to be the boss but commercial is easy.

Do you have pain or go through things?

Yes, and my art is the most effective way of me expressing myself.

If you weren’t in the field that you’re in right now, what do you see yourself doing?


How do you separate yourself from any artist or photographer?

I don’t need to try. I just be myself.

Do you see yourself doing this forever?


Ok, so what advice would you have any advice for someone who wants to into the field for photography & art?

Just be true to yourself. I know that’s cliche! But it’s true!

You sound really deep! Are you a poet?


What makes you hold back?

That’s a good question, it’s extremely personal. My art is more mysterious and ambiguous while poetry is raw.

Thanks to RECMETRO, you’ll be making your debut as a slam poet soon right?

Hahahahaha, yes a slam poet!

Who would you say is your celebrity crush?

Neil “DeGrasse” Tyson. An Astrophysicist. He’s from NY.

Be sure to check out Tilly Garcia’s work online via her website and on Instagram ( @_spirits ). It was a pleasure speaking with you! Stay tuned for next week’s WCW!


Interview With Rapper Munch Ali


Whats up you guys! We are back with another interview. This week I have the pleasure of Interviewing Rapper Munch Ali

Whats up man! How are you!

Ans: Chillin!

What’s yours life story?

Born in Florida and moved to NJ and played sports as a child. Always rapped and thought it was fun. Wanted to play for the NFL but it didn’t work out.

How did you feel when you weren’t able to play football?

tT felt like dreams were shattered.

IF you had a chance, would you replace rap with football?

No, I feel content with rap. It’s a passion and good way to make money if done the right way.

Is it a safe haven for you?

You can say that. People support it.

Do you have your fair share of stalkers?

I have a couple of music groupees but mostly people on social media.

As far as groupees are they the good ooking kind?

Yes. some are ugly but mostly attractive.

Do you have a great relationship with parents?

Yes, my Dad and Mom. My Mom is not crazy about the rap game but she deals with it.

Why is your Mom not comfortable with it?

It’s the stigma from television. Its gives her a bad taste in her mouth.

Did you play football in all grades?

Yes, and got a scholarship for the University of Delaware. But got injured Sophomore year. I made two bounce backs but in the long run it didn’t workout.

Do you have best friends?

I consider my family best friends. Producer B-Rock beats, nephew Bonez. Cousin Rosie!

What’s your goal as a rapper.

Pay the bills off music. I want to be established in music, acting, fashion. I am a brand ambassador with my cousin’s line Tastemaker NJ.

Do you see yourself as the DMX type as rapper and actor?

Yes, but in Fashion I have my own style almost as crazy as Kanye.

Are you indie or signed to a label?


Do you want to be signed to a label?

If the deal is right but I wouldn’t sell my soul.

How would you describe your style?

Lyrical and unique. I came up in the lyrical age.

What does Munch Ali look for in a mate?

I prefer a Hispanic shortie but I don’t discriminate. I love my black sisters.

Is that the cop out?

Yeah, but I love them.

Are you looking for anyone now?

No, just trying to stay focus.

Is there anyone in the music game that stands out to you?

Kendrick Lamar, J. Cole, Drake. I love the lyrical aspect. I am a 90’s baby.

Do you think music today has taken a toll for the worse or the better?

I’m not going to say for the worse but the game changed every 3 months. New sound, curator. It’s not the worse you just got to adapt.

Do you see yourself winning a grammy one day?

Absolutely, I feel like my versatility will bring me to that. The right person has to bring me to that.

Who do you feel is the right person?

Its a hard question, but it can be a artist producer, or a veteran like Nas or Jay Z. It can be someone like Metro or Boosie! I would love to rap with Whiz. I want to be Taylor Gang.

What do you think of Lupe FIasco saying it’s better for new rappers to come out with a new album with no guest features?

Ans: I think it’s about having the right cosigner.

Do you see yourself rapping if you were a millionaire?

Yes, but I would people on and put Jersey on the map.

Are you a full-time rapper?

I’m full time and I am a studio engineer.

If you garnered a new fan what song would you point them out to?

I’m so versatile, I feel the whole project would work because I have inspirational, music for the ladies. My latest would work.

Do you see yourself rapping around the age of 30.

I have 4 years.

Where can we see you next?

I have collab project with Rosum. I’m opening for DJ Drama and Yo Gotti Friday at Syracuse NY.

How did that come about?

I’m just blessed and I have a good relationship with them and they loved my work. Shout out to the manager Drew Jenkins. We have been working at this thing for a long time.

Be sure to check out Munch Ali on and on Instagram @itsmunchali .


This morning ton’s of Meek’s supporters crowded outside the courthouse waiting to see how this case was going to turn out. Meek Mill‘s prosecutors fought for his drug conviction to be vacated, which would set the rapper free.. but, once again, the judge felt otherwise.

Today in court, Philly’s D.A. office asked the judge Geneva Brinkley to release the 2008 conviction but she disagreed to sign off and scheduled a hearing for June. This means Meek Mill has to sit through another month and a half in prison. Thanks to the judge, most of Philly’s pissed off and let down that the conviction wasn’t tossed. If she had signed off, Meek’s probation violation would be out the window and he would be released from the PA prison where he’s sentenced 2-4 years. It seems like nothing’s changing Judge Brinkley’s mind, not even the district attorney. Unfortunately even though Meek is a prisoner of politics, but guess they can’t stop him! We ain’t ever gonna stop screaming “FREE MEEK” not til our lungs bleed!



Whats up you guys! We’re back with this week’s MCM and we had the pleasure to interview Mr. J. Meloellis. J. Meloellis is a personal fashion stylist, brand ambassador, and marketer. How’s it going man, you are officially on the Record with RecMetro!

Thank you for the chance and the opportunity!

How are you today on this fine rainy day?

Great and I’m just cooking for my wife. I thank you guys for the opportunity.

It’s no problem! Please tell us your back story and what led you to the world of Marketing?

When I used to live in North Carolina, I used to work for a hotel and I told myself that I need to do something that I love. So I made an instagram for men fashion and it turned 60,00 followers. The company from Spain Bachelor Shoes reached out to me and asked if I wanted to be a marketer online.

How would you describe your brand of marketing?

A lot of communication and I try to things a lot different that others. I try to be innovator. Day by day, I think about doing something different.

Who would you say is your target audience?

I am more on the Men’s fashion side but I have people all over the world asking for advice on in that field. I am always happy to help and give techniques.

What or who are your influences?

My influence is the CEO of Bachelor Shoes, Chris Douglas, who is also my mentor and had taught me what I know in the business of marketing of social media.

What do you hope to accomplish?

I hope to accomplish a business. I have my own brand J.Meloellis clothing. I want to release my line and be recognized worldwide.

What was the best advice you have ever received?

How to communicate with others and try to be more human and not a machine. Be more personalized.

How do you separate yourself from other marketers?

I am very different plus I am a creator. I try to do things in a sample fashion. I am more classic. I am straightforward/

Has there been a particular moment you were proud of?

Everyday, I am proud that people around the world recognize my talent and work. I have a lot of followers from the U.K. A lot of men ask for advice. Sometimes I do facetime. I am also a personal stylist.

Do you have any advice for anyone thats pursuing marketing?

Try to do it yourself and be different.

J. Meloellis it has been a pleasure speaking with you! Before we go, please tell us what you have planned next and where people can get in touch with you?

I’m going to be launching, which will go worldwide. I am also launching my clothing line. Anything you guys need I would be happy to promote for you guys, much like you did for me.

We appreciate that sir! Everyone be sure to follow him on Instagram @Jmeloellis .

No problem!


So apparently, while Philly’s Lil Uzi Vert has been working on a lot of new music he’s left his account in the hands of a few people including his manager. Earlier today, the rapper’s account posted up something strange and it took me a second to pick up what is really going on in this industry.

See post:

I guess it’s his manager that posted that up.. at least that’s who it sounds like. Uzi’s label, Atlantic Records have been screwing him over lately, and Uzi’s a smart guy so I think what’s happening is a fake kidnapping lol. The label can’t stop nor get angry with Uzi for dropping new music if it’s leaked! So, why not have some fun and play along? Uzi and his team didn’t waste any time. Just now Uzi’s long term producer DP Beats dropped one of their collab’s together titled, “Bandz (Bye, Bye, Birdie)” rand it’s lit. I hope Uzi continues to “leak” more music, and even though idgaf about Atlantic (They can eat a big one) I hope that they can set aside their differences in the mean time and pay him the bread he earned! We know Uzi’s been going through some sh*t, but they don’t gotta do him like that! Listen to he new banger below and tell us what you think. Stay tuned to see if Lil Uzi Vert drops more fire.