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If you miss the Myspace era of music, you are sure to love this song. It’s a mix of electronic and pop- what Charli XCX is known for. The 25-year-old singer released her debut album in 2013 True Romance and got her break from being featured on Iggy Azalea’s “Fancy.”

She teams up with Carly Rae Jepsen to give us an unexpected bop from her 2017 release Pop 2.

Check out the song here:

Before her fame, in 2008 she posted songs on her Myspace to gain popularity and this song shows her roots.

The song shines with the chorus and haunting beats to truly capture the mid-2000s ora while putting a modern twist on it. Even though garbage band bands no longer exist, we can count on the pioneers to keep it alive.

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Yesterday wasn’t just a normal Sunday. This Sunday marks the ten year anniversary of Lady Gaga releasing her first single “Just Dance” off her debut album The Fame.

“Just Dance” sent Lady Gaga into instant stardom and she would continue on with her career to be one of the most influential names in the pop music today. She influenced pop culture so heavily in 2009-2012 that almost every star was competing with her- even in different genres.

She tweeted this out to her fans:

I am so happy that Lady Gaga was able to break out into the industry ten years ago to rework everything we thought we knew about pop culture. Lady Gaga is the Madonna of our generation and should be treated as such. Even though she has moved on from her stage persona with her album Joanne, she will always go down in history and “Just Dance” marks the start of her takeover.

Listen to “Just Dance” here:

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Drake just released a new song and music video entitled “Nice for What” on April 6th, 2018.

Check out the video here:

The song comes off as a feminist anthem as he raps:

“That’s a real one in your reflection
Without a follow, without a mention
You really pipin’ up on these niggas
You gotta, be nice for what, to these niggas?
I understand”

Drake sings and raps about female empowerment and how they don’t need to focus their life on a man. He respects the hustle these women go through and needs them to know that they shouldn’t be talked down to or held down. It is kind of a really weird message to say from a male’s point of view, but Drake knows what is current in the music industry. On Friday, Cardi b just released her debut album Invasion of Privacy which holds the main theme of female empowerment. Basically, women are going to start becoming a lot more powerful with these influencers preaching about feminism.

Overall, the video for “Nice For What” is really good because of the female role models singing the chorus, but honestly, I don’t like the song that much. It seems a little overdone and I wouldn’t even know it was a Drake track if it was on the radio. Drake also based his entire career off of women not being nice to him, and now he is saying “you don’t have to be nice to me”- make up your mind Drake! Although he wants to encourage females, he isn’t a female- which can come off as condescending. I think Drake is trying to hop on the trend train, but “Nice for What” just doesn’t have the same staying power as “God’s Plan” or “Look Alive”- which are both on the charts right now.

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For this week’s MCM, some of RecMetro’s staff interviewed reality star Mr. Edward “Adonis” Williams from MTV’s season 5 of “Are You The One?” and season 31’s “The Challenge”.


What’s going on Guys! We are here with Mr. Williams from MTV’s hit television show, “Are You The One”

So Mr. Williams! How did you get on MTV’S “Are You The One”?

I applied for it. It was the modeling stuff that caught their eyes.

What made you want to become a male strippeer?

It was on my bucket list. Someone asked and I said hell yeah it was on my bucket list. I made $400 in 30 minutes and I was like hell yeah I’m going to keep doing it.

How your parents feel about you stripping?

My dad’s cool with it and he even comes to the shows. Mom doesn’t, but expected this to happen.

Do you have any best friends?

I have a best friend Ronnie. We met at my job and we became crazy close. We became brothers. I helped out with his cooking. He’s a chef. I told him this was how he was going to make it out.  His instagram: @cooking_whit_ron

Since being on MTV and keeping in shape, have any gyms tried to sponsor you?

I am a brand ambassador for many companies. Me and my Dad do advocare. I am an advisor for the company.

Do you get any stalkers from time to time?

I get a lot of stalkers. Have to constantly put them on the block list. Random people would call me on snapchat. People would ask me to do porn and send d*** pics. I tell them to come to the shows. Anything goes!

Do you have interest in music? Who is an artist that stands out from the rest in your opinion? What do you listen to?

Yes, I feel it’s a good way to express yourself. Chris Brown, but with my boys we are listening to lil durk. My playlist is all sex music but when I am with my boys its all gangsta shit!

Do you have anything else going on?

I’m featured on a documentary called “Strip” that was featured in a movie festival. We shot in Canada and had a camera crew following us around. It got the International Independent Documentary, and Hollywood Independent Documentary Awards. I’m also getting into acting. I will be coming to a tv screen near you. In April I have a casting for Marvel, they’re looking for people who are in unbelievable shape.

What do you look for in a mate?

This is where it gets good! I don’t ask for too much but I want a woman thats independent. Someone that has goals. Jay and Beyonce type of relationship. We can work together and has to have intentions on making money. Business minded with a fatass. She can be a little freak!

If you found the one tomorrow would you give up stripping?

She has to accept it plus there’s a chance it might not work out.

Even if she was a millionaire?

That’s her money. I’m independent.


Alright well, that wraps it up for today! Ladies and gentlemen, the one & only Mr. Edward Williams! Mr. Williams it has been a pleasure. I enjoyed it and I certainly hope it was a pleasure for your was as well.

Edward: It certainly was!

Ladies be sure to follow this hot and handsome stud on Instagram (@thee_topmalemodel) and on Snapchat (@TheTopMaleModel).


You guys know that I love my older hip hop. But that doesn’t mean I don’t listen to today’s stuff too. And today, I’m going to use a brand new track to teach our lesson. Flatbush Zombies released their second album today, Vacation In Hell. Now, besides Flatbush Zombies being dope as hell and the album being fire, they basically did my job for me today. So for today’s day in history, we’re going to be staying right here in 2018.  Today, I want you to check out a track off the new album called “Headstone”. The Zombies break down 20+ years of hip hop history while they flip countless song titles, lyrics, and album names into a flow that is unique to the group. They use the track to pay homage to every artist that has influenced them and the game. They reference people like Biggie, Eazy E, Kanye West, Bone Thugs, 50 Cent, NWA, Nas, Slick Rick and so many more. So I’m gonna give you guys some homework for this weekend. Find the lyrics to this track, print them out and try to find all the different references they drop. Circle them up and make a playlist out of them. Its guaranteed to be a banger of a list and will walk you through years and years of influential tracks. The Flatbush Zombies break down some of the lyrics in a dope video by Genius, so I’ll leave that here for you to get started. Enjoy your weekend and may it be filled with fire hip hop.